Wednesday 3 December 2014

Today Will Be A Better Day!

As predicted, yesterday's slump has not (thankfully) lasted. I am pumped, I am prepared, I am ready to get back down to business! Aww yeah! Bring it!

The more time I spend in the 'Say Something Nice About the Excerpt Above You' (Located in NaNoWriMo Ate My Soul, for anyone who wants to pop by and join the party!) the more I'm starting to think about my revision, what needs to be added. As usual, I have completely neglected Alyk in any of the excerpts I've put up, which is terrible because he is such a crucial character! It was only when someone mentioned wanting to know more about him when he was mentioned in passed that I realised that, once again, I was pretty much pretending he doesn't exist. This needs to change. I can feel myself doing it to Tamsyn too, side-lining her in favour of other characters. Its just like Joanna all over again who's been completely cut from the first first draft.

It's ridiculous, really, because I know what parts they all play and how it's going to work out and why they're important etc. etc. but there just doesn't seem to be enough words in a day to include everything. 

Oh well, at least I"m aware of it, and that's what revision's for, right?

In other news, hello all the new people following this blog! I'm completely overwhelmed by the traffic coming through here and seeing where everyone's coming from (This morning, Russia seems to be the most popular and yesterday was the Netherlands!) I've been getting upwards of fifty hits a day for the past three days, so the pressure's on to keep your attention (I expect it'll subside soon when everyone realises how boring this blog usually is!) 

Today is very exciting; finally getting around to The Big Climax. I'm still not 100% how to play it, but I'm just going to go with what feels right and not over-think it too much. I need to catch up on my wordcount if I want to order my createspace books by January! A very kind NaNo'er gave me a spare code so now I can order four paper backs when it's done :D At the moment, this year's manuscript stands at 375-ish pages and I've still got a good 25K to go. It's gonna be a brick!

This is what I'm listening to at the moment -

'I Will Find You' from The Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack. A truly haunting ear-worm.I saw the movie years and years ago, and I really do need to see it again. It's brilliant, visually, emotionally and, of course, musically. Not for the faint-hearted though! Enjoy :)


  1. Wow! You're so smart and productive... *must not compare self, must not compare self...* hihi
    Still, I wish I could do what you do... I'm more of a go-with-the-flow kinda writer.
    I'm sure you're gonna make it as a writer and make an actual living out of it! ^_^
    And I must admit I am a tad jealous at all this traffic you're getting! :O hihi But that's okay cause I've got some awesome readers too! ^_^ Just less numerous, that's all! :)
    I haven't read any of your excerpt! :O
    I will see to that once I have a bit more time on my hands, I will troll about your blog mwahahaha (Don't worry, I'm a nice troll... I think.) ^_^
    Anyway, glad to see you got your mojo back! Keep on writing that brick! :D

    1. I think it's routine more than anything. I expect NaNo's got you into good practice :) Just gotta keep it up now! Hope your writing's going well!

  2. Glad to hear that your writer's flame is burning brighter today! During NaNo, my characters were pretty...well, they felt a little cardboard when I re-read through my writing. But in my mind, I can understand all the extra little details that didn't get mixed into the story. So I am a firm believer that you can fix that with revisions!
    During NaNo, one of the channels I watched (and am still watching) was Katytastic. She gave some great types on fleshing out your characters and going back to revise their personalities in your story. Check it out!

    1. The NaNo-Draft is such a mixed blessing... on the one hand you've got all the raw material you could ever need and on the other oh man! is it raw! Nothing a rewrite won't ix though ;) Good luck! Thanks for the link, I'll definitely check that out!
