Wednesday 10 December 2014

Art, Progress and The Hobbit

Apologies for the lack of updates, it's been a busy couple of days. Tricksy scenes are like buses, they all come at once and then it just gets ridiculous. I'm happy with the scenes individually but, once again, crisis of confidence has struck and I'm feeling paralyzed. Who am I kidding? This isn't going anywhere. It's boring and whiny and full of plot-holes -- oh god! the plot holes! I can't keep anyone's attention with it. It's like an ugly child whose mother thinks it's gorgeous but the whole world knows better. 


*I* like it, but I'm feeling delusional,

In other, happier news, Hragon from NaNo did some sketches of Dakin for me and I'm super pleased! It's always nerve-wracking asking for art, but I've admired their work for a while and was not disappointed!

Also, we got preview tickets to see The Hobbit today and... well... It's worth seeing but I laughed more than I cried. It was no Lord of the Rings.

Eagles what?


  1. Oh! I love Hragon's work!! He's so brilliant! But doesn't Dakin have long silver hair?
    Aaaaw don't worry about the doubting moments... They come and they go. You just have to grit your teeth and bare through it. :)

    Ooooh I can't wait to see the Hobbit you lucky!!!
    Good! I wanna laugh! I hated how the LOTR ended on such a cheesy, everyone-must-cry note in ROTK! (I'm a toughie!! Yeah! :P ) hihi

    1. Spoilers spoilers!
      They always pass and I always feel silly afterwards haha!
      Oh I LOVED RotK! Sobbed the whole through, it was brilliant ;) So cheesey though! I think you'll like it!!
