Sunday 21 December 2014

The only thing left to do is tweak the ending. It's going to take twenty minutes, max. But I don't wanna. All I want to do is scroll mindlessly through tumblr and feel cross that the new Draco 'story' that J.K promised isn't up yet. It's going to be terrible and nothing we don't already know but I want it so bad!! And I don't want to finish my novel. I hate finishing things. Blergh.

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaaw hihi you're cute!
    Just think that, with every ending, there's a new beginning! Once your novel is done, the beta-readers' adventure begin. And the publishing adventure! ^_^
    And nothing keeps you from starting a brand new story as well! Start from scratch! Meet new characters and visit new worlds!
    That's the best thing about being a writer: it's never really over. :)
