Saturday 25 April 2015

Editing The Beast

Well, the pics kinda speak for themselves...

Preliminary edits for Draft 3 = Complete!


Mostly consisting of:






Today was spent going over and answering unanswered questions that I knew needed to be faced, and then consolidating into one hefty tome. 

What you see here is a culmination of three separate drafts (four if you include the practice start to the fourth. Which I do) 

1 NaNo 2013 1st Draft
1 Hand-Written 2nd Draft
1 More-or-Less There 3rd Draft
0.1 Prettified 4th Draft

All smooshed together ready for The Ultimate Draft *bambamdeedam!*


  1. That is just an amazing job that you've done so far. The pictures you posted about your manuscript really show how much work you've put into this story. It inspires me to do the same thing with my Nanowrimo novel once the first draft is finally finished.
    So here's a shout-out for not giving up and treating your story with love!

    1. Heyy! Thank you :D I got the inspiration from a friend, so it's good to pass that along :D Definitely worth doing to -- I think it's good to have it in a completely different formatting to give you the space needed to edit! Good luck with yours, look forward to seeing how you're getting on (I'm still stalking you and Valerie!) x
