Wednesday 12 August 2015


I'm sure there's some sort of rule about modesty and being demure, but right now I don't even give a crap because I just received one of the best messages that a writer can ever hope to receive, and I'm higher than the top of the world, and I want to keep this for posterity because This Is Why I Write

From Cam-eraObscura (a NaNo'er who, up to this point, has been a complete stranger to me)

I read you excerpt for Moon Path and I'm kind of choking up already? Like, I LOVE all the showing-not-telling you did to set up their daily life and what the Game means, and I'm drawing some conclusions as to why they have to play it and how much they trust each other even on such fragile grounds, not revealing things to each other, and I'm getting the impression that Dakin is the older brother and he's protective and putting on so many fronts and trying to be playful about it, and that Laurie is the younger one but he's more serious and more intelligent than Dakin wishes, perhaps?
Anyway, point is, I've seen you on the forums a lot and I know you have a ton of Nano buddies already, but I'd like to know when you publish a book, any book, because I very much want to read it. Anyone that can draw me in to a stranger's life from an excerpt like that is on the top of my to-read list. Have a nice day! 

And it's this, right here. Getting a message from a complete stranger who just happened across your words, and them taking the time to tell you. This will honestly set me up for the rest of the month. Don't get me wrong, every comment is invaluable, but there's something particularly meaningful about the ones that come without asking or expectation. Plus, you know, it's always good to know when a scene has done its job ;) Friends and family have to pat you on the back and say 'well done', and even writing-buddies to some extent (not that I don't trust my WBs to be honest with me!) but you know you've hit the mark with it comes from a stranger's fingertips. 

Woohoo! At least I know I'll be able to sell one book to one person :D

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