Wednesday 26 August 2015

RLGL: In Retrospect

The short of it is, I didn't make it. 

The more important short of it is, I'm okay with that. 

But actually, surprisingly so.

I said in the beginning, that no matter what, it would be an invaluable experience, and it really really has been. 

Because of the contest I have:

- Fixed my first chapter
- Learnt how to write a pitch
- Learnt how to control my competitiveness
- Connected with some fabulous YA writers
- Had the courage put the novel out there
- Had the courage to let my wife help me
- Worked out the nonsense that is Twitter

And so much more introspection that I can't even bullet-point! 

After the first jolt of disappointment, a weird wave of tranquility settled over me. It was bizarre. I hadn't realised how much pressure I was putting myself under with this contest that I didn't even have control over. And, once it was gone, I could go back and just enjoy novelling. That's not to say I'm not disappointed -- that critique would've been so useful -- it just doesn't change anything. I'm just as in love with my novel as I ever was. If anything, I feel more driven and more determined than ever before.

Oh, something else I learnt that I'm excited to apply to the whole thing -- Fine tooth-combing. Editing where every single word matters. I did it for Chapter 1, and I'm desperate to get on and do it with the rest!! I'm so excited to see how this is all going to turn out, and I'm excited to see where it'll go when it's ready.


What's been really surprising is the amount of messages I've had telling me that they're surprised that I didn't make it, that mine was one of their favourites. And it's cheesey, but messages like that make everything worthwhile. The Moon Path is not a commercial book, it just isn't. I've found that people either tend to hate it or love it, and I will gladly take the bad for that kind of good. Okay, so I've embraced the YA of it, maybe now it's time to pay attention to the literary side. I wonder if they'll ever meld?

Anyway, enough rambling and back to business!

Thank you Adventures in YA Publishing, it's been a blast ^^


  1. I was looking for news on your skype with an agent. Comps can be a little fun can’t they – and then a bit of anti-climax for a while. But not everyone can win and I suspect it’s really difficult to choose between many entries.
    I got into one the free first 5 pages workshop on the Adv in YA site a few years ago. It took me a while to accept the faults in my writing. The opening chapter to my YA was a wreck when I left it and I’m sure the whole novel had a mass of novice faults.
    Anyway, looking forward to reading about the skype.

    1. Haha you scared the crap out of me! I was pretty sure I hadn't mentioned anything about the skype call on my blog, or to anyone who was likely to comment. Then it clicked. (It is 7:30am in my defense) It's happening tomorrow so, depending how it goes, I'll do a write up then or at the weekend.
      I'm very tempted by the 5 Pages Workshop and have been debating whether to join this month, though it might be a little quick after RLGL for my head to bear it. Contests and the like are addictive though...

    2. HA! My experience with the 5 pages finished with me writing that I was going to print my novel and take it to see some bookshops and libraries, just to give it a good time before I burned it! Good luck with the skype. I signed up for Twitter for a contest not so long ago and for a couple of weeks found myself spending ages reading tweets. So take care that the comps don't take over.

    3. Bahaha that's brilliant! And a tempting idea... Thank you for the luck! And yup, it's all very dangerously addictive. I think I need a break before I take the plunge again!
