Friday 14 August 2015


Aaah so following the amazing message of the day before yesterday, I finally gathered the courage to send my first chapter to a very good friend, whose opinion I respect with almost crippling enormity, who's been begging me to send him something for aaaages. Anyhow, that's forcing me to go back and reeaally go through it with a fine-tooth-comb, looking at every sentence as meticulously as I've been looking at my first 100 words for this contest. 

It's amazing. I love this part of editing so much. I really didn't think I would, because usually my patience just simply isn't long enough. But having a purpose -- really wanting to send him my absolute best -- is really driving me to do. 


It's finally starting to feel finished-finished!!!!

This is what I've been working towards, this feeling that comes of sitting back, looking at the words, and feeling satisfied

This novel is actually something I'm going to be proud to show off when the time comes ^^


I'm going to post the first scene in the next few days, and I just want to say how glad I am that the first scene of the fourth draft got ripped to shreds and my betas really forced me to think things through and re-draft, because I'm so damn happy with the outcome, and that wouldn't've happened without the vicious critiques. 

Just goes to show, don't it?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Seeing that finish line always gives an awesome boost, doesn't it? ^_^
    I've got nothing more to say to such a cheerful post besides a great, big, giant THUMBS UP!! :D
    Keep up the great work; you're almost there! And I'm proud of you, proud to know you ^_^
