Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Aaand there's the crash!

I think yesterday I was running on NaNo fumes, and now they're spent. I am so written out. I don't even want to think about my story today! Actually, scrap that, I don't want to think about anything today. Nothing sounds good. I think I'm going to have a day off today, read some fic, read some Fruits Basket... I've been having alot of Furuba dreams recently; that's probably a sign about something. I wish I had all my books with me. The online ones are fine, but the translations are (more than) a little off :/ I should really start scouting out ebay to try and pick up the ones I'm missing from my collection -- 17 -- 23, I think? 

In other news, my father-in-law asked me again what my story was about last night. The time before we actually had a good conversation about it, but it caught me off guard last night so I couldn't do anybetter than, 'Eh bleh bleh a sort of fantasy thing about people doing stuff.' Literally. Word for word. I really need to improve on my summary skills. It isn't getting any easier. 

Yesterday was a good, encouraging day and today feels... Like I want to chuck the whole damn thing in and become a dentist. It's probably got something to do with the visa medical people still telling me that I have to wait to make my appointment, even though I've waited and waited and they said come back in December so I did and.... *headdesk* So now I'm in a slump. I'm going to eat bagel and drink tea and feel better :)


  1. Hey, I saw you blog posted on the NaNo forums today. I just wanted to say I TOTALLY relate to how you feel now that November is over. Just get some nice recovery time and get comfy - catch up on all your hobbies that you put aside. Troll youtube! Eventually the time will come where your story starts itching at your mind once again. I think January and February are editing months? Keep going!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I think it's just a matter of getting used to not being on a crazy deadline again and give myself permission to *not* write, you know? Trolling youtube sounds good, I might take your advice on that! Happy novelling!

  2. Hi! I've been trolling about the NaNo forums and ArcInteractive's blog and I ended up here! ^_^
    I just want to say that what you girls are feeling is AB-SO-LU-TE-LY normal! First novel I ever wrote, I didn't write for two years after that! Haha
    Just allow yourself some time to recharge and if after a couple of days, the flame still doesn't come back, then there's probably something stopping you. Maybe you don't like your story as much as you thought? That's what NaNo has taught me this year! ^_^
    Anyway, happy noveling and I hope you find your drive soon again! :)

    1. Oh I know. I absolutely know! Every time I finish something, I have a day afterwards where I'm just sitting there blinking like 'What just happened??' I feel better already and managed some words today. Tomorrow will be better. I love my story passionately, just getting used to not seeing it in the light of NaNo.
      Thanks for stopping by! It's great to find new blogs to read!

    2. Glad to hear you slowly get your flame back! ^_^ (Haven't touched my novel in like three days... eep!) And happy to have found your blog as well! :D
