I am 5,000-ish words into Book 3 and, whereas Guilders pretty much went exactly according to plan, this one's taking me by surprise. Nothing uncontrollable, nothing crazy, but the characters are just doing their own thing and I feel like I can trust them enough to get on with it. Circumstances mean that logistically it's very different to how I imagined it -- everyone's a bit more split up than I thought they would be -- but that's good because it's giving me plot and conflict that I didn't have before.
I'm also finally getting to play with some characters that I haven't had the chance to meet properly before, and that is really exciting! It's a relief that I've finally settled on names that I'm happy with -- seriously, it's literally taken me a year to name them! -- and Kai is a little more focused than I originally pictured him being, but I think that'll be really good for the future. He's a lot more responsible and less... infantile? than I feared he was going to be.
And dragons!!
Lome has finally come onto this scene, and this is my first dragon, so I'm trying to play around with it a bit. Originally I thought Lome was going to be pretty Toothless-like, but he's definitely more doggish than cattish, and I like that. Kind of picturing it as a hybrid of Toothless and Haku (Spirited away) Like, rideable but Japanese in features. Does that make sense? Lome is definitely something I'll need to keep an eye on in the Beta stage, just to make sure I've created a cohesive image.
Anyhow... Yes, Book 3 is going well. Huzzah! I'm currently averaging 3,000 words a day, which isn't too shabby. Thought I'd give myself a little bit of a break after hitting 50k :)
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