Hello folks.
Had a browse at my blog stats today and my gosh! I actually have a fairly large audience! I've always just sort of treated my blog as a diary-type-thing, you know, a place to splurge, but now I have followers and a crazy amount of people that seem to pop by just as I update.
Please say hello! I don't get notifications about subscribers (not sure if there's a way to do that) but I assume I do have some subscribers, otherwise it's a bizarre coincidence.
Anyhow, it's Sunday 23rd November and I'm avoiding getting down my words by having an argument about feminism on facebook. I really don't understand how it's even still an issue, I really don't.
I don't know... I used to be like that -- feminism was a dirty word and all I wanted was to be a house-wife with a husband who would keep me and give me babies. I didn't want a career, I didn't want independence, I just wanted love and thought that feminism meant the opposite.
I'm so glad I grew up and learned better.
I don't hate men -- I have male friends and grandfathers that I love to pieces, but the more aware I am of the ingrained misogyny that *still* exists in our society, even in young, educated men and women that really should know better, it just makes me so angry! It is not okay, and the more feminism is made out to be this outrageous group of crazies, the more people learn that it's acceptable to be like that. I would rather be seen as a feminazi than be apathetic and 'not all men', because men have a hell of a lot to make up for. And yes, all men. All men have a responsibility to be better and to make up for all the shit that women have been put through. Stop making excuses and acting like you're being victimised by feminism -- take it on board and realise that this is what women have been dealing with daily for far too long. Use it to empathise, use it to be better. Stop making it about you. It's not all about you!
Okay, that's that for now.
I haven't done any music recs for a while, so here's a few to make up for it.
First Little Game by Benny -- A spectacular new song about the danger of gender roles by a fifteen-year-old filmmaker. Absolutely must listen to!
Next, very exciting! The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd -- Hot from the press, here's the final (!!) Middle Earth End Title Song. Gorgeous. Heart-breaking. *weep*
Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde from the Mockingjay soundtrack is absolutely as good as her last contribution to Hunger Games -- just as gut-wrenching and even more powerful. Really inspiring for those angst-ridden writing moments!
The Hanging Tree by James Newton Howard -- Straight from the Mockingjay soundtrack itself (when is it going to be released??????) and sung by Jennifer Lawrence. My god! This movie! This music! Flawless. I'm still recovering from the preview last week. Just listen to this, if you're a die-hard Hunger Games fan or if you're on the fence, and go see this movie. Be prepared. If I can create something half as intense as these movies, I will be happy.
I'm also on a Taylor Swift binge at the moment, but I think this is enough to be going on with for the moment.
Peace out :)
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