Tuesday, 2 June 2015

How is it June already??

I'm 100% not even slightly ready for it to be June. I still haven't recovered from April, and already people are setting up for July Camp. I really want to participate, but if I do it'll just be continuing as I'm doing. Starting something new would wipe me out probably even more than not resting before April did.

When did years become so short?

I thought giving myself a year to get finished on Moon Path was more than reasonable, because a year feels infinite. Or used to.

Now it's only five months until November, and one month until the next Camp.

I'm getting on well, or at least I think I am, but it feels like time's running away from me hideously.

I think being so involved in the NaNo community makes it easy to forget that Normal Writers take years and years to finishing even a first draft, and it's okay not to write a book-a-month 12 months a year.

It's just hard to remember sometimes.


Anyway, in better news I'm racing towards the climax or P.1, and I've had good feedback on it so far -- only one details that needs cementing. I'm really happy it's all working out, and I feel over the crippling doubts that plagued the first month of this draft. I feel confident in my instincts. It's just... wiping me out.

Give me Bernard's Watch and make time pause.


  1. I definitely feel the same! Time is going by way too fast and my life has too many changes in it. But I have found that time only goes by fast when I'm "digitally connected." This past week I was on the computer maybe 30 minutes a day, other days not at all. What a difference that makes! Time just slows down...
    So if you need a computer break, go for it.
    Start working on your story by hand or take a notebook outside. It helps your brain recover and get you more into a relaxed mind set. Do what's best for your book, not the NaNo forums :p

    1. I've been writing a lot by hand recently , actually, and it definitely helps! My brain's fine, and I'm totally motivated, I just can't believe how quickly the year is going past!
