It's been a good couple of days.
I've hit 30,000 words on The Novel, and managed to execute the transition between parts one and two pretty much exactly how I wanted to. Of course, I expect the feedback I'll get on it will be something along the lines of, "...?" But, right now, that's okay. I'm experimenting with a less linear structure and if it doesn't work, I can always go back and change it.
It's fun writing Alyk again. I don't know why, but I really enjoy writing him. I think, all things considered, he's my oldest character and I can just trust him to do his thing without too many problems. I still have no idea if he's good or bad, though, which makes understanding his motivations a little tricky. But I think he holds up anyway.
It'll be interesting to see which direction he goes in Book Two.
NaNo 2014 is almost upon us (!!!) and I am so bloody excited! The wife's doing it with me - a collection of interlinked short-stories that I'm really looking forward to reading - and one of my super-talented uni friends has also let me bully her into participating. On a completely selfish note, the competition of having there will really boost me, I think. Failure is not an option because it'll be doubly humiliating with her doing it too.
It's going to be great!
I finally finished my article for LadyBits, and the editor is super pleased with it so I'll link to that when it's up. The first article was definitely the hardest (I picked a killer topic) but I've started writing a couple more and I think I'm going to really enjoy writing for that blog.
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