Sunday 6 September 2015

Stalled. Again.


Endings are the worst.

Beginnings suck; middles are impossible, and endings are the worst.

So many bloody threads and trying to tie them all up right and get all the bits in the right places whilst maintaining the flow and the emotion and the honesty... asdfghjkl!!! I feel like every draft is the same and I'm never going to be satisfied.

I thought I was happy with the words I did yesterday, but thinking on it last night, they're just plain bad. There's so much work I need to do, and I never really take any steps forward. The beginning is deceptive. It makes me believe I'm making progress, but I'm not. And I feel myself sticking,  again, in that trap of, 'Oh, it's okay, I can go back and fix it.' Which is true, but how many times do we have to repeat this?

Half of me feels like I need a break and I need to just get this draft done.

The more practical half knows perfectly well that rushing is death and will only make the revision more arduous.


It's going to be okay.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! You're right: it's going to be okay. But sometimes, it can look like an insurmountable task, a freakin' mountain! Just take a deep breath, chase away all negative thoughts and learn to overcome this need for perfection or you will drive yourself crazy. Perfect is not art. Art is emotion. Angst, frustration and all the rest! :P
    So don't give up! We all have these days but you know perfectly well that nothing is eternal. Whatever you're in right now, it will not last. And soon enough, you will find joy in writing again ^_^
