Saturday 19 September 2015

Settling Down

I feel bad for not updating and leaving the last post on a low because everything has picked up again (doesn't it always?) So here's what's going on -- 

My wonderful betas have caught up with me, and their eager anticipation for the ending is spurring me on. Honestly, these last few days I've been insanely invigorated. I feel like everything is coming together and all my beautiful circles are getting completed. I have an ETA of two weeks until this draft is done. And then the hard work begins (hahaha!)

Work is wonderful. I was afraid that I'd resent the time away from writing, but to be perfectly honest it's just focusing me. I start at 10:30, so I go in the wife two or three hours before a
nd write and catch up with emails, then take another hour in the evening. Every moment at my keyboard is precious, and I feel like I'm really able to use that time well. It helps that I really love my job -- my boss is awesome and my coworkers are lovely. I haven't had a day where I haven't wanted to go in, and it's really exciting to see our savings start to grow again after all these months of insane expenses. We've been able to start looking seriously at apartments (!!!!) and are hoping to move around New Year (!!!)

Time is going fast, and that means November is almost upon us (!!!) So frickin' excited for NaNo! Trying not to jinx it by over-thinking, but I've worked out my title and the last scene I want for the series. It's going to be so weird to wrap up this whole story, but at least I'll still have three books' worth of revisions ;) I just hope I give myself enough breathing space between the end of this draft and November first. April just about did me in! 

I will leave you with some music; a track that I feel sums up NaNo 2015 -- Wires by Athlete. 


  1. It's great to "hear" that you're doing so well again! :)
    And I'm honestly jealous of this job of yours! LOL Sounds like you're having a great time there.
    I'm glad you guys can think about getting your own place. You so deserve it and it'll do you so much good. I wish you luck with the apartment hunting!
    And looks like you've got a lot of projects on the burners as well! So, great news all around for you. I'm glad ^_^

    1. Hey, V! How's it all going with you? I miss your updates in my inbox! How's Nellie going? Are you NaNo'ing this year?

  2. I have so many questions for you that I am pretty sure you will never answer. I am glad that you are happy.
