Friday 30 October 2015

Prepping and Editing

Even though the writing of Moon Path is behind me, I've been feeling just as busy these last few days! So many people to catch up with, and a lot of my NaNo buddies from last year are wandering back into my inbox and it's great to catch up with them!

Started prepping 'And I Loved You First'. Going last year's route of sketching scenes on index cards and keeping a loose plan. Since actually writing down my ideas for this story, which has been marinating in my head for eleven months, it's exciting to see all the pieces pulling together! There are only a few plot points I'm hazy on right now, but they'll be worked out as I go.

Did a first quick edit on Moon Path yesterday -- going through my square brackets and working out some of the smaller knots -- AND I DON'T HATE IT!! Even three days later I don't hate it!!! It actually looks how it's supposed to look, and I can't really believe it. Gonna do some more today and try and get it ready for printing before the first.

Had an overwhelming response to my beta-call! I really wasn't expecting it, and to have so many different readers and opinions will be invaluable! Set up a tentative ETA of mid-December to send it out to everyone. 

I really feel like I'm taking the next steps with MP, and it's so exciting! I've been stuck in writing-mode for coming up two years, and to have that behind me... I'm glad I've got a month of free-writing to chill out about it! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I've missed quite a few posts...
    So, SO glad to read that Moon Path's writing phase is done!!! Congratulations!!!! YAY!!! ^_^
    I'm always amazed at that good, solid, though-out grasp you have on novel writing... You're gonna be a great writer, I'm sure. :)
